
Aalborg, Denmark, Spring 2023
Aalborg, Denmark, Spring 2023
I am a ZJU100 Young Professor [浙大百人计划研究员,博士生导师] with the College of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University in China. I am also an EU Marie Curie Individual Fellow [欧盟"玛丽·居里学者"]. Prior to my current position, I served as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University in Denmark from 2020 to 2022 and held the role of Senior Engineer at Ant Group (formerly Alipay) from 2018 to 2019. In 2022, I was also a visiting scholar at the Database Group at SUSTech, China. I earned my Ph.D. from Zhejiang University in 2018 and my B.Sc. from Sichuan University in China in 2012.
I am currently focusing on building Sustainable Data Intelligence and Data Systems [SuDIS] that are Rapid, Reliable, Responsible, and Resilient. My work in this area encompasses various topics:
  • Data Quality for AI and AI for Data Quality
    • learning-based cleansing and repairing of IoT data (VLDB'24, ICDE'23, SIGMOD'22);
    • analytics and learning with low-quality mobility data (ICDE'24, TKDE'23, VLDB'22, VLDB'21, ICDE'20, TKDE'19, VLDB'18, TKDE'18, VLDB'16).
  • Computing in Mobile, Edge, and Decentralized Environments
    • lightweight time-series analytics (TKDE'24, KDD'24, ICDE'24, WWW'24, SIGMOD'23);
    • resource-effient inference (KDD'24, ACL'24);
    • decentralized data systems (ICDE'24, IJCAI'23, CIKM'23, VLDB'22);
    • context-aware indoor positioning and routing (VLDB'22, ICDE'22, TKDE'21, ICDE'20, UbiComp'15).
Aside from my current research, I have an interest in other topics related to time-series (TS) and spatiotemporal (ST) data.